About Jalite

Jalite photoluminescent safety products now include fire safety signs, health and safety signs, safety wayguidance systems, photoluminescent paint, and photoluminescent safety tapes. All these Jalite component products are used to illuminate, identify and locate
emergency equipment in power loss situations.

Fire Safety Communication
The loss of power and illumination in the event of an emergency can cause panic and confusion for the evacuee. JALITE products, when used effectively to locate, identify and instruct on all aspects of fire safety management, can make a major difference in an emergency situation.
Health & Safety Signing
Health & Safety at work is the responsibility of all personnel within a working environment. The prevention of accident, injury or harm to an individual is the responsibility of managers, owners and/or occupiers. The provision of Health & Safety signing is vitally important to the process of ensuring that the individual is aware of the risks involved in a process and the measures to be taken to ensure safe working practices.
JALITE safety signs are designed to conform to the relevant Domestic and International Standards: BS EN ISO 7010:2012 (Including amendments 1,2 & 3), BS5499 Part 4: 2002 (currently under revision, due to be published early 2014), BS ISO 3864 Part 1: 2011, BS ISO 3864 Part 3:2012, BS ISO 3864 Part 4: 2011 and satisfy the requirements of EC Directive 92/58/EEC.
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For more information on the range of safety signs we can offer, or to arrange a free no obligation safety sign survey, please Contact Us.